====== DFXEngine Wiki ====== DFXEngine is a collection of Java modules aimed towards game development, but with general purpose functionality. Despite its name, it is not a game engine, although it provides many features that a game engine also would. The source code is hosted on [[https://git.datafox.me/datafox/dfxengine|our GitLab instance]] and [[https://github.com/melodicore/dfxengine|GitHub]], and finished modules are hosted on [[https://central.sonatype.com/namespace/me.datafox.dfxengine|Maven Central]]. ===== Modules ===== Here is a list of all modules in the project: * [[dependencies|Dependencies]]: Simple invalidation of values depending on other values * [[entities|Entities]]: Node-based very serializable entity-component system (currently under development) * [[handles|Handles]]: Enum-like handles for objects and tools to manipulate them * [[injector|Injector]]: Dependency injector and event handling system that supports generics * [[math|Math]]: Seamless wrapping and manipulation of various number types * [[text|Text]]: Text generation, handling and representation * [[utils|Utils]]: Utilities used by other modules * [[values|Values]]: Mutable number type with a modifier system * Collections: Collections used by other modules (deprecated, do not use) ===== Plugins ===== An [[https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/25788-dfxengine-handles|Intellij Platform plugin]] exists for working with the Handles module, which suppresses suspicious collection method warnings when calling various HandleSet and HandleMap methods with Strings instead of Handles. ===== Javadoc ===== Javadocs for all modules are hosted on [[https://enginedoc.datafox.me|enginedoc.datafox.me]]. The current version lacks a lot of comments and descriptions, and will be updated the next time ''dev'' gets merged to ''master''.